Welcome 2018-19 Season New Uniforms and Jersey Number Information
Welcome to the Sockers FC 2018-19 Season!
All information regarding Jersey Numbers and New Uniforms is provided below. Please read through and follow instructions carefully.
Jersey Numbers:
**All returning members who have registered for the 2018-19 season by May 31, 2018 will keep their current jersey numbers. You will not need to access the Jersey Number Sign Up link as this will be handled through administration. This is a firm deadline and also applies to boys playing high school and planning to return to Sockers in November 2018. Any jersey numbers of players not registered by May 31, 2018 will be released. **
New members (and returning members wishing to change their jersey number) will be able to sign up for jersey numbers beginning Friday, June 8, 2018. The jersey number sign up link will not be active until June 8, 2018. When accessing the link, please make sure to select the correct birth year and gender for your child. Failure to do so may result in your child not getting an available number of their choice and having to repeat this process. Any returning members who choose to sign up for a new available number must email uniforms@sockersfc.net once they have selected a new number and we will release the old number to make it available.
Jersey number sign up link: (live on June 8, 2018) http://www.signupgenius.com/tabs/2367EDF02A1C3EAC53-20172018
Your number sign up will be confirmed on the screen after you have selected "submit". It is not necessary to create an account with Sign Up Genius to select a number, however you will not receive a confirmation email from the sign up unless you do create an account.
A new, two-year, uniform cycle will begin for the 2018-19 season. All members will be required to have the new uniform kits. All items are specific Nike styles that must be purchased through our online system.
Field Players 2008 - 2013 birth year Required Uniform Kit:
Items are new unless noted with "**" , meaning item not changing from 2017-18 season.
- royal team backpack **
- royal blue practice tee
- black practice shorts** (league knit style)
- royal game jersey and shorts
- alternate white game tee **
- warm up jacket and pants
- royal practice socks
- white game socks
Field Players 2007 - 2000 birth year Required Uniform Kit:
Items new unless noted with "**", meaning not changing from the 2017-18 season.
- royal team backpack **
- royal dri fit practice shirt **
- black practice shorts ** (league knit style)
- royal game jersey and shorts
- white game jersey and shorts
- warm up jacket and pants
- black travel shirt (boys) **
- grey long sleeved travel/warm up shirt (boys)
- sky blue travel shirt (girls) **
- red long sleeved travel/warm up shirt (girls)**
- royal game/practice socks
- white game socks
Goal Keeper Required Uniform kit:
Items new unless noted with "**", meaning not changing from the 2017-18 season.
- royal team back pack **
- gold gk practice dri fit
- black practice shorts ** (league knit)
- volt game jersey and shorts
- long sleeve gk jersey (available in new black or orange) only 1 required
- black game shorts (not practice shorts)
- warm up jacket and pants
- black socks practice/game
- volt or orange game socks (only 1 pair required)
- black travel shirt (boys (2007 -2000)**
- grey long sleeved travel/warm up shirt boys (2007 - 2000)
- sky blue travel shirt ( girls 2007- 2000)**
- red long sleeved travel/warm up shirt (girls 2007-2000)**
Uniform Fitting By Appointment ONLY: ended 6/30/18
Fitting appointments to try on samples for correct sizing can be made through the following appointment sign up link. We strongly encourage you to take advantage of this sizing opportunity as all uniform items personalized with the player numbers are non-exchangeable and non-returnable. "Walk-ins" not accepted, fittings are by appointment only.
Ordering Uniforms: visit lockerstore.net to place your order
Please feel free to email the Sockers Store staff with any questions or concerns you may have. We look forward to assisting you!
Thank you for your continued support.
Sockers Uniform Department
545 S. Consumers Ave.
Palatine, IL 60074
Facebook: @lockerstorelocker
Twitter: @Thelocker_store
Instagram: @thelockerstore